Friday, April 27, 2012

BYU-I Learning Model

Well, to begin with, my name is Makenna Phillips. This blog is the beginning  of an interesting concept for my Writing Literary Analysis class, about how the world is changing due to the internet and advanced online resources. These new resources disrupt the traditional approach to learning about literature. But before I delve more into this topic, it is important to go over the learning model for this class. The BYU-I learning model is made up of three parts:

1. Prepare
2. Teach one another
3. Ponder/prove

One can prepare in many ways for a class. I believe that in order to be fully prepared, you have to do more than just doing the assigned work and showing up. You have to look at learning as more than just information you are trying to memorize. I try to become engaged in the subject I am studying, to seek additional information so that I might actively participate and have more ideas than those that were just handed to me in the book. I have found that when I try to become excited about a subject, I am more prepared for class by actually caring about what we are discussing. 
As for teaching one another, I have had many opportunities to work in groups and one on one within classrooms. I have found that when you get to know your peers, it is easier for me to participate  in discussions. I am on the shy side, so speaking my opinion in front of a foreign audience is nearly impossible. Once I get to know my fellow students, it becomes much easier to talk without turning a bright shade of red! Even if I completely understand the subject, by teaching someone else and having to explain everything, it reinforces the things I have learned so that I understand the subject on a new level. 
It is important not to just memorize information and regurgitate it on a test, then promptly forget whatever it was you just memorized, but to ponder the things you learn then prove them. To me, proving means that you take the knowledge you gained and apply it to your life. I have found that the things I learn about in books change the way I think and view many ideas. When I am interested in the subject, a piece of literature can effect how I see everything. However, I have found that more and more lately I have been immediately forgetting the things I read instead of trying to apply my new knowledge. I hope that this learning model will inspire me to become more prepared and dedicated to the English Language so that I might be able to effectively communicate my ideas with my fellow classmates. 

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