Friday, June 1, 2012

New Ideas!

While the majority of my contacts haven't been super helpful, it has been useful for me to put my ideas out there. Just writing to all of these different professors and bloggers, has helped me work through my own ideas. I have found that when I write down my topic, I write it in different ways when I am trying to contact different people. This has helped me understand how many little tiny facets and sides there are to the idea of imagination leading to creative content. 
One of my contacts, a blogger named Darcy, wrote:
"Imagination is not an unalloyed good, and neither is instant access to everything anyone ever wrote on a topic. But it's probably better than the alternative.Looking directly to the use of imagination, it's true that broadly defined imagination is essential. Arguably we couldn't function without it, the ability to envision a situation different from the current one doesn't just allow us to change our lives in significant ways, it helps us to simply get through the day. But not all imagination is of the same quality."
This definitely helped me to realize that imagination isn't something that is misunderstood or good versus bad. As with everything, imagination is what we make of it. While my thesis is staying the same, this as well as talking with my cohorts has helped me direct my call of action to those who use the internet and blogging as an "online journal." It is important that we try to use the power of blogging and the internet for good, rather than content that isn't helpful or pertinent to anyone. 

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