Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Ok. So the webinar was a little rough for me. I get VERY flustered in front of cameras. It is almost like all the millions of thoughts I had swirling in my head immediately disappear the minute that camera focuses in on me. But despite all of that, I really enjoyed this webinar. It was uch an interesting way to present all of the ideas that everyone had over the entire term. While it was a little chaotic, it definitely had some quality conversations going on. It was just another way to reinforce all the ideas I have had about blogging and the internet and how they relate to imagination in Anne of Green Gables. Just like when we did the post with our book trailer,  in order to present in the webinar, we needed to rethink our topics and exactly how we wanted talk about them. The questions people asked made me rethink about everything I have just written about! When presenting, I began to think more and more how the internet really does change the way we think and reimagine things on the internet. It makes me wish we had done this earlier in the term as social proof. The people that show up at the webinar are really connected to the topics and ask fascinating questions, unlike a lot of the feedback I got when originally looking for social proof. So all in all, I would call this a very successful first webinar! I would be interested in trying it again, now that I know what it is like. 

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